How To Break In Pickleball Shoes at Home – Proven Methods

Understanding how to break in pickleball shoes is crucial for any serious player. Pickleball shoes, like any sports shoes, are designed for specific movements and support. They have extra padding in certain areas to protect your feet from the repetitive motions in pickleball. However, this padding can cause discomfort or tightness at first if the shoes are not broken in properly. 

By breaking them in, you allow the shoes to adjust to your feet and soften the padding in areas where it might feel too tight. This helps prevent blisters and other foot injuries. Comfy, snug shoes can make the difference between winning or losing, nailing that shot, or missing it.

How To Break In Pickleball Shoes

Let’s discover tips for breaking in your pickleball shoes to improve your game and keep your feet blister-free.

How to Break in Pickleball Shoes? A Legitimate Way for Best Result

Pickleball court shoes are designed to provide stability and support for quick lateral movements. However, these same features can also make them tough to break in. The following steps will guide you through breaking into your new pickleball shoes without causing any damage.

Wear Your Shoes Around the House

House floors are usually smoother compared to outdoor surfaces. The smooth surface allows for easier movement, which can help break in the soles of your shoes. To maximize this method, you can also wear your pickleball shoes while doing some light housework or walking around the block.

Furthermore, the dusting and cleaning movements can help to loosen up the stiffness of the shoes. Just make sure to avoid any rough and abrasive surfaces that can damage the soles.

Use Shoes Stretcher

Another way to break in your pickleball shoes is by stretching them. Stretching is essential, especially if your shoes are too tight. It can loosen up the material and make them more comfortable to wear. To stretch your pickleball shoes, simply use a shoe stretcher.

First, put on a pair of thick socks, then insert the shoe stretcher into your shoe and twist it to expand the size. Leave it in overnight or for a few days until the desired fit is achieved. You can find shoe stretchers in any sports store. They come in various shapes and sizes to fit different types of shoes. Ensure to buy the right size for your shoes to avoid any damage.

Take Short Walks Outside

Outside surfaces are rougher compared to indoor surfaces. When your shoes are exposed to different types of surfaces, they can break in better as they adjust to the pressure and movements. In order to break in your pickleball shoes, try going for walks around your neighborhood. You may walk on different terrains, such as concrete, asphalt, or grass, to help your shoes adapt to different surfaces.

Grass is a great option as it is softer and less abrasive. But concrete and asphalt are relatively rougher, which helps to wear down the soles of your shoes more quickly. Start with shorter walks and gradually increase the distance to prevent any pain. It might take a few walks before your shoes are fully broken in, but it’s worth the effort for maximum comfort on the court.

Start with Short Practice Sessions

Pickleball is a fast-paced game that requires quick movements and changes in direction. This game puts a lot of pressure on your feet.

Hence, it’s important to break in your shoes before you start playing for extended periods. For beginners, start with short practice sessions to allow your feet and shoes to adjust. You set the time for these short practice sessions. Experts recommend starting with 10-15 minutes, which is ideal for new shoes.

During this time, you can focus on your footwork and get used to the grip of the shoes. Take short breaks in between to give your feet some rest. This will help prevent any discomfort or pain caused by wearing new shoes.

Gradually Extend the Duration of the Practice Session

Short practice sessions are great for breaking into your shoes. But to fully adapt your shoes to your feet, you need to increase the duration of your practice sessions gradually. Long sessions will help the soles of your shoes to be worked in and molded to fit your feet.

Experts suggest starting with 10-15 minute practice sessions, then doubling the duration every subsequent session. For example, if you started with 10 minutes on day one, increase it to 20 minutes on day two. Then 40 minutes on day three, and so on.

This gradual increase will help your feet get used to the new pickleball shoes. The contact between your feet and the shoes will become more comfortable as the shoes mold to your feet. With this method, you’ll be able to break into your shoes in no time.

How To Break In Pickleball Shoes

The above method of breaking in pickleball shoes may take some time. Let’s move to the tips that speed up this process.

Quick Tips for Accelerating the Break-in Process of Your New Pickleball Shoes

Pickleball game season is here, and you just bought a new pair of pickleball shoes. But you can’t wait too long time for the shoes to break in. 

What can you do to speed up the breaking-in process? Here are some quick tips:

Applying Heat to the Shoes

Heat can help soften the material of your shoes. Mostly, pickleball shoes are made up of synthetic materials, which are tough and need some time to mold. Using heat helps these materials to become more pliable, reducing the breaking-in time.

To apply heat, you can use a hairdryer or simply walk around in your shoes on a sunny day. The hairdryer works best if you’re in a hurry. Set the hairdryer on medium heat and aim it towards your shoes from a safe distance. As the material heats up, move your feet inside the shoes to help mold them accordingly.

However, be careful not to overheat the shoes as it can cause damage.

Wearing Thick Socks

New shoes often cause blisters, and pickleball shoes are no exception. During long and intense games, blisters can be a real pain (literally!). A simple solution to this problem is to wear thick socks while breaking in your shoes.

Thick socks provide extra cushioning. The material of thick socks made from cotton or wool can also help soften the material of your shoes. Your new shoes may feel snug at first, but the socks will help loosen them up faster. It also breaks in your shoes while minimizing the chances of blisters.

Using cushioned insoles

The insole of pickleball shoes usually comes with minimal cushioning. This design helps players to feel more connected to the court, enhancing their performance. However, for breaking in your new shoes faster, you can use cushioned insoles.

Cushioned insoles provide extra padding and support to your feet. They also help soften the material of your shoes faster, reducing the breaking-in time. You can find cushioned insoles specifically designed for pickleball shoes at most sporting goods stores.

Now that you know some quick tips to speed up the breaking-in process, let’s talk about why it is necessary in the first place.

Why Breaking in Pickleball Shoes is Necessary?

Breaking in pickleball shoes is a key step to better performance on the court. New shoes are stiff. They can hurt your feet. When you break in shoes, they mold to your foot shape. This gives you a custom fit. With shoes that fit just right, your movements become smoother. You can run, pivot, and slide with ease. It also means fewer blisters.

Additionally, breaking in your pickleball shoes can also improve their durability. When you wear new shoes, the materials have not been subjected to stress and strain yet. By breaking them in, you are preparing them for the intense movements and sudden stops that come with playing pickleball. This can extend the lifespan of your shoes and save you money in the long run.


Are pickleball shoes supposed to be tight?

No, pickleball shoes are not supposed to be tight. A well-fitting shoe should feel snug but not too tight, with enough toe room to wiggle your toes.  You want a shoe that feels snug but not tight and constricting. 

Should I size up in court shoes?

When sizing up in court shoes, the general rule is to have a thumb’s width of space between your longest toe and the end of the shoe. This allows for proper fit and prevents jamming or chafing. It’s best to try on different sizes and styles to find the most comfortable fit.

What should the bottom of pickleball shoes look like?

The bottom of pickleball shoes should have a sole designed for the type of surface you’re playing on. Court shoes typically have a smooth sole to facilitate lateral movement during play. Choosing a shoe that fits well with a bit of space between your toes and the end of the shoe is important for comfort and flexibility.

Conclusion – How to Break in Pickleball Shoes?

In a nutshell, taking the time to explore how to break in pickleball shoes can greatly benefit your performance on the court. It’s a smart investment indeed for every pickleball enthusiast.

Pickleball shoes need breaking in for top performance. New, stiff shoes can hurt your feet, but a well-broken-in shoe fits like a glove, allowing for smooth gameplay. Fewer blisters are an added benefit. Not just comfort, but the longevity of your pickleball shoes also improves when you break them in. So take the time to break in your pickleball shoes before hitting the court for improved performance and safety.

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